Learning Spanish Many reasons to do it!

A country to eat the best of the sea and the countryside food.

Passion for the king sport: football.

Ancestral traditions.

Why to learn Spanish language?
  • You will discover a new culture.
  • Spanish is a language spoken more and more around the world.
  • It will help you in your professional career.

About me.

I am Francisco.
Trapería Street, Murcia, Spain.

I live in Murcia (Spain).

My degrees.

my academic achievements

Spanish language and literature degree, Universidad de Murcia.

Teaching Spanish and English as second languages / foreign languages Master's degree, Universidad de Alicante.

My experience.

my volunteer experience

I was a volunteer Spanish teacher at Red Cros of Murcia.

Teaching English and Spanish.

For over three years, I have had the pleasure of teaching adults Spanish and English oral expressions for this company in Murcia.

Skype lessons.

Teaching in italki.

I teach all Spanish levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFRL) and the Curricular Plan of Cervantes Institute (CPCI).

Linguistic contents.

  1. Grammar.
  2. Vocabulary.
  3. Spelling.
  4. Pronunciation.
  5. Speaking.

You will practice the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. In addiction, you will also learn all the secrets of the Spanish culture.

You can also send a link to any article, video or photo you are interested. We can discuss it and I can give you some corrections and feedback about your Spanish.

working with digital tools.

Student blog support.

Your place to practice your Spanish and download digital exercises: CAFÉ CON LECHE BLOG

Be sure to check my student blog, Café con Leche. I post resources for my students, so that they could practice at home.

I am looking forward to meeting with you in ITALKI!!
Creative Common licence.
Created By
Francisco José Martínez Vicente
Created with images by papagnoc - "valencia spain calatrava" • prunkova - "flamenco sevilla dan" • EstudioWebDoce - "paella lena mixed" • Will Palmer - "Camp Nou - Barcelona" • epicantus - "wine glasses outdoor" • bernswaelz - "bull fighting torero portugal" • DariuszSankowski - "phone screen technology" • Capture The Uncapturable - "Murcia" • Franck_Michel - "New York facets - Graduation day at Columbia" • freephotocc - "cup of coffee laptop office" • dougbelshaw - "OSX apps I currently use (January 2010)"

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