JHS Library Services What can we do for you?

NO MATTER WHAT YOUR SUBJECT AREA, THERE'S SOMETHING FOR YOU AT THE JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY. Whether you're in English, Science, Health, or Aeronautics; whether you need research help, resources, or reading promotions, we've got you covered.

Research Help and Resource Evaluation & Collection

Teens might know technology, but do they know how to navigate information and evaluate what they find? Do you need print or online resources curated for a project, your website, or learning management system? Talk to Ms. Panitzke about classroom instruction, resource collection, or collaborative planning.

Reliable Online Resources & Access to the U of M and Beyond

You and your students have FREE access to current, reliable electronic resources through SPPS subscription databases and through ELM, the Electronic Library for Minnesota, available from school or home. Need physical materials unavailable from JHS Library? We can get what you need--through interlibrary loan, we have access to resources from across the state.

Books, eBooks, & Audiobooks

Yep, we've got those too. In addition to what's available on our shelves, we've got a growing collection of eBooks and audiobooks. And we take requests! Let me know if you're interested in book talks or book trailers for your classes, or if you have any other reading needs.

want to know more?
© Nevit Dilmen

I'm happy to meet with you or your PLC to talk more about these or other ways I can help. rachel.panitzke@spps.org

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