Anna Spady loves to hike, bike, travel and be outside on an adventure. A self-proclaimed food snob, she loves anything gourmet and chocolate-related and is the proud owner of two kayaks and one Australian Shepherd named Nymphadora Tonks.

Anna fell in love with innovative business and technology somewhere between her art and entrepreneurship classes.

“I had no idea what to do after I graduated college. Somehow, I stumbled into doing Project Management for startups,” Anna says. “A few years (and lots of trial and error) later, I now specialize in Inbound/Content Marketing.”

“I've been a reader and a scribbler as long as I can remember. I use these skills in the tech field to ‘market’ (write, research, communicate) complex topics in a simple way that anyone can understand.”

Anna uses her own experiences to illustrate that you don’t have to be a developer or build circuit boards to be part of the tech industry—there's room for researchers, writers, artists, project managers, business strategists, sales people and other professionals.

To girls considering a career in the industry, Anna says: “Do it. Yes, historically it's been a ‘boys club,’ but it doesn't have to stay one. The pay, opportunities and creativity that working in technology affords should be appealing to anyone. And anyone can bring value to the field.”

Anna found a way to follow her passions and turn them into a career in the tech field. You can, too.

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