blizzard whitney

The characteristics

The characteristics of blizzards are long-lasting snowstorm with a very strong winds.I has lots of moisture and lift . Winter storms usually form when an air mass of cold dry. Canadian air moves south and interacts with a warm moist air mass moving north from the Gulf of Mexico.

The tools to predict the blizzard 

Tools to use to track a predict is called satellites. It tracks down the blizzard so the people can get warned.

Causes of blizzards

A blizzard is a long-lasting snowstorm with very strong winds and intense snowfall.extreme cold.

The effects

-it can shut down cities sometimes for days. -Electrical wires often go down because of the heavy snow storm.- get frostbite and hydportherma.-trees,plants and crops can die in a blizzard because of the extreme cold.

Most destructive in u.s it happened in 1888 was the most destructive blizzard. There were lots of people who died and lots of people who got frostbite. This was know for the deadliest blizzard.
The New Jersey blizzard was also the most destructive in the world.
Supplies you need for blizzards are gather emergency kits in backpack. Make plans with your family to be prepared. Try to avoid driving so you don't get stuck in the road.Before blizzard make sure to not go outside it can cause frostbite. Make sure to have a radio to hear what happens next .
This is a tool to measure the snow its called the northeast snowfall impact scale.
The websites that I used are and blizzard
Created By
Mrs Ventresca
Created with images by Barbara L. Hanson - "Blizzard!" • Alan Light - "VIDEO: Blizzard" • prosperitymentr - "ice storm ice on branch branch" • Hans - "blizzard snow flurry snowflakes" • PublicDomainPictures - "snow winter lawn" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Tracking a Superstorm" • ToastyKen - "Replacement Eddie Bauer Backpack" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "NASA Sees Dangerous Category 4 Cyclone Evan Lashing Fiji" • bonnie-brown - "A Better Shot with the Flash"

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